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WOW Detox  
Written by Dawkus  
Sunday, 09 July 2006

You'll never get any action off of her!As some of you are aware, I quit World of Warcraft a couple of months ago, and my life is a whole lot better for it.  I have a beautiful girlfriend, getting more sleep, lost a little weight, and started my own website called Global Distortion.

So imagine my delight when I found a website that is devoted to those who quit World of Warcraft and their testimonies.  Here are a few of my favorite excerpts:


 "Because someday, I'd like to tell my grandchildren about my life experiences and I don't think a story about how I "agroed a Molten Giant once" will cut it. Oh and working on that "having grandchildren thing" would be nice. Starting with kids of my own."

Um, ok...

 "Quitting WoW has gotten me laid WAY more often. Since I quit 8 months ago I've had 9 different sexual partners, got a job, lost weight, got in shape, and took up archery. Amazing what real life can do for a girl like me..."

Poor guy...

I'd like to ram her stern! "Because I stupidly introduced my wife to the game, and now that's all she does. She spends more time with her online friends than me, and I may as well not be married anymore."

This was where the game went downhill for me too...

 "Black Rock Mountain. If I hear "BRD", "LBRS", "UBRS" or "MC" again, I am going to cry."

Another Good Reason...

 "I hate large guild politics, grouping with 40 random people who are just in it for the leet gear - and you are too, because you don't know any of these idiots but you need the gear to stay competitive and progress in the game you once loved. You miss your crappy little former guild with all your friends in it, but it wasn't big enough to raid. You still see your friends online sometimes... sometimes."

My favorite reason...

" Wow is a lifestyle, one i dont have time for anymore"

Check out more testimonials at Wow Detox!



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